Best Performance 3D Video Cards

The ATI Radeon HD 4870 X2 has been on the market for some time and is an amazing large card. Some computer cases might have trouble fitting in the card, but if they can it has some amazing performance. It links together two 4870 cores into a single card that runs CrossFire to offer some outstanding performance for PC games up to the 2560x1600 resolution. The 2GB of memory is the largest on the market and functions similar to 1GB single core cards. The card requires a fair amount of power that has a 8-pin and 4-pin PCI-Express power connector. Sapphire's card isn't the fastest of the 4870 X2 cards on the market, but it is one of the most affordable. Prices are around $440.

The Radeon HD 4850 X2 was a multiple core card promised by ATI not long after the launch of the 4870 X2. Now many months later, it has finally been released and is actually quite affordable and powerful. It shares the same overall size as the HD 4870 X2 cards which means that it may have trouble fitting in some cases. Provided the card does fit, it can offer performance up to the 2560x1600 resolution with strong frame rates. Those looking to use lots of filters are advised to use a 1920x1200 resolution instead. It also has similar power requirements that use an 8-pin and 6-pin PCI-Express power connectors. Prices are around $300 making them very attractive compared to NVIDIA's high end single core graphics cards.

In general, multiple core graphics cards tend to perform better, but there are still a number of games where SLI and CrossFire don't really add up to any performance games. For such games as this, a higher clocked single core graphics card is beneficial. For those looking at the best performance from such a card, the EVGA GeForce GTX 285 SSC Edition is a solid choice. This card balances price with features including a higher base clock rate and comes with eVGA's Step-Up program allowing users to upgrade their cards within 90-days of purchase. Power consumption is a bit lower than the multiple core cards and only requires two 6-pin PCI-Express power adapters. Prices are around $410.

The Radeon HD 4890 is essentially a reworked version of the graphics core of the previous HD 4870 graphics cards. The changes essentially amount to a more efficient graphics core that enables higher clock speed and greater overclocking potential. Sapphire's version of the card takes these efficiencies and applies a default overclock over the standard reference version. Gamers can expect to run most games at 1920x1200 resolution with filtering enabled and even up to 2560x1600 resolutions in some. With a price tag of between $265 to $275, it is a very reasonably priced card considering its levels of performance. It does require two 6-pin PCI-Express power connectors.

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